Here’s a little preview photo of a recipe that is going to be in my next cookbook -
The Demerara Heart Cookbook 2/3 by Yasmine Giles.
It was inspired by my beautiful Dutch friend Marianne (Mazz) who had a glut of Quince fruits in her garden, and decided to make a job lot of jelly and jam before they rotted. Interestingly, it is the nearest thing to the Guava Jelly (beloved of my mother and her homeland Guyana) that I’ve ever tasted. Our German friends in the Black Forest also love it and make it in copious amounts.
I’ll put a recipe in the book for the scones and the jelly so as not to frustrate you.
OMG! I just got a smell of it as I was writing about it! Has that ever happened to you ??
If you are intrigued by my bespoke recipes and want to give them a try, head over to the MUSIC SHOP and purchase a copy of the first book which is out -

Send a review and a photo to planetgiles88@gmail.com if you do anything culinarily (is that a word even?) interesting with scones. The easiest thing in the world to make, even by the most diehard non-baker!
I WOULD LOVE TO SEE IT and hear about your cooking adventure!